When you’re telling someone’s story, the trick is to get out of the way.

Welcome to the ego-free zone. When we say we collaborate with brands to tell their stories, we mean it.

Working with Clever is unlike any filmmaking experience you’ve had before.

For one thing, you actually get to be a part of it. Here’s how we do what we do.

Phase 1

Onboarding and Research

We want to know everything there is to know about your brand, and the best people to educate us are the marketers who work on it every day. We’ll collaborate with your team to get a thorough understanding of your brand while we study the market in which it lives.

Phase 2

Content Strategy and Creative Ideation

Here’s the part where we dig in deep. We use every tool at our disposal to find out everything we can about your audience and what makes them tick. Then, we use it to determine how best to inspire them to act.

Finding the right format

While we’re learning all there is to know about your brand and your audience, we’ll decide what shape our content will take. We create three different motion content types:


Whether fictionalized or docu-style, a series has a narrative arc that connects the content and progresses across episodes.


From product animations to testimonials, a system consists of multiple pieces of content that work together toward a common objective.


A standalone piece of content that conveys a specific message, story or objective created for a singular purpose.

Phase 3

Team Assembly and Process Design

We assemble a custom team of creators, well-suited for the task at hand. To keep everyone at ease when we are shooting in sensitive locations like homes and hospitals, we require a conscientious and emotionally intelligent crew – from the director to the audio engineer.

Phase 4


Everywhere the magic happens, you’re invited. From the set to edit to voiceover recording sessions. We’ll tie it all together, together.

Phase 5

Delivery and Activation

Your project isn’t over when your film is finished. We’ll provide all the bells and whistles including promotional posters and teaser videos, plus a custom content-dropping strategy, with your audience in mind.

The Finished Piece

We’re obsessed with your success.

Whether it’s a series or a standalone piece, we’ll help you amplify its impact.